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Meet The Team


Mr J D Nawrocki

Honorary Chairman

Mr Nawrocki is a Consultant Urologist working in Sussex and the former President of the European Board of Urologists. He has a long-standing interest in teaching, being the former Director of Medical Education in his Trust and the former Associate Dean of Kent, Surrey and Sussex Deanery.


Dr Rituja Kamble



Executive Lead

Rituja is an FY1 currently working in Brighton and previously studied Medicine at Cambridge University and Imperial College. As the Founder of Basic Surgery, she is passionate about bringing Surgical education to the wider population of medical trainees, and wishes to pursue a career in reconstructive surgery.


Dr Gargi Samarth

Operational Lead

Gargi is an incoming Academic Foundation Year 1 doctor based in Southampton, and graduated from Imperial College London in 2020. She intercalated in Neurosciences and Mental Health is passionate about academic neurosurgery and medical education.

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Dr Charlotte Maden

Education Lead

Charlotte is an Academic Foundation Year 1 doctor who is specialising her programme in Management & Leadership. She graduated from Cardiff with a Medical degree and BSc in Emergency, Pre-Hospital and Immediate Care Medicine. She has an interest in surgical skills education, especially in an Acute and Emergency Care setting.


Dr Emma Larsson

Communications Lead

Emma is a first year doctor currently working in general surgery and urology in south London, having graduated from Imperial College in 2019. She wants to pursue a career in GP, and she's passionate about improving surgical training for non-surgical trainees as it forms a large portion of the workload but is often underrepresented in medical education.


Dr Yarrow Scantling-Birch


Yarrow is an FY1 based in Brighton having previously graduated from Southampton. Keen on all things ophthalmology-related, he is also passionate about medical education and photo / video editing. All these commitments come second to his rowing.


Zoha Imam


Zoha is a 4th year medical student currently intercalating in the Management BSc at Imperial Business School. She is passionate about plastic & reconstructive surgery, holding positions within the Plastics and Medical Education societies at university. With a plethora of graphics and social media experience under her belt, Zoha is excited to see how medical education will transform through advancements in MedTech..

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